Eve’s Herbs Phone # Repaired

It came to our attention a few weeks ago that our original 310-855-1111 phone number had stopped call-forwarding to our Ashland, Oregon business phones. When dialed, a recording would tell callers that it was “…not a working number.” A few people thought we might have closed up shop.

Well, after many phone calls and many frustrating conversations around the tech support personnel merry-go-round, we were finally directed to an “Advanced Technical Support” person who, after 2 days of troubleshooting, finally found the problem and fixed it.

BOTTOM LINE: We are still here and our 310-855-1111 phone number is now properly call-forwarding once again.

If you should ever have a problem with this number again, we can also be reached at:

541-482-2112 (our Ashland, Oregon land line)  —OR—

Our email addresses: 



Thank you for your patience and continued support.

Best of health always,

Drs. Eve & David


Maintain a Strong Immune System, Even if Vaccinated