The following text is part of the information you will receive with your PMS Therapy Pack. A full text will be included in Doctor Campanelli’s book, “Feeling Very Much Better,” in the Reproductive System Chapter, as will the directions for the herbs.When the female of the species menstruates, the body sees it as an opportunity to cleanse the blood. If the diet is poor and the body congested, there is more likely to be pain with the menstrual flow.The herbs included in your Therapy Pack have notoriously eased cases of menstrual cramps severe enough to have caused a missed day or two at work, as well as easing other PMS symptoms such as bloating, mood swings and headaches. After using these herbal preparations, many women have commented, “I didn’t even know it was coming.” Your PMS Therapy Pack has been specifically formulated to help re-establish proper functioning of the ovaries, uterus and the hormonal system generally. They give you the tools to feel better without negative side effects.

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) Therapy Pack

The PRE-MENSTRUAL SYNDROME (PMS) Therapy Pack is a kit prepared to support the body in addressing the root cause(s) of PMS and relieving its associated symptoms.Our patients typically begin showing results quickly, with progressive improvement over the following several month period. In combination with the included food plan, you'll enjoy improved overall health.If you are currently overweight, the food and exercise plan should also result in some weight loss with a resulting increase in energy.This THERAPY PACK includes:* Four exclusive Eve's Herbs proprietary blend herbal formulas specifically prepared to support the body in relief of PMS.---- Eve's Herbs Formulas: Cramp Bark, E:V, Joy Blend and Kleanz* Included FREE, Dr. Eve Campanelli's book, "Feeling Very Much Better" with short, concise and easy to read and use chapters which contain all the food and exercise recommendations, including foods to buy and foods to avoid (see Ch. 7 on The Reproductive Organs and Hormonal System) - PLUS a chapter with healthy recipes, all to reinforce the effectiveness of the herbal formulas.* An instruction sheet on how to use your Therapy Pack most effectively.* A complimentary Eve's Herbs catalog with all of our formulas and their descriptions on how they may benefit you in dealing with a variety of health issues.