The following text is part of the information you will receive with your Sinusitis (Chronic) Therapy Pack. The full text will include specifically suggested foods and use of herbs. Doctor Campanelli’s book, “Feeling Very Much Better”, will include a complete dietary outline for chronic sinusitis in the Respiratory Chapter, pp. 45-52.Most enlightened doctors will no longer give antibiotics for chronic sinusitis, since they rarely do anything for it. The herbs included in your Therapy Pack will quickly help the immune system to deal with the virus/bacteria, drain the mucous and relieve the pain. Rinsing the sinuses with salt water can be very helpful, as well as eating as much garlic throughout the day as you can.Very often, chronic sinusitis is caused by parasitic infections in the intestines. If you’ve had bloating, gas and constipation alternating with diarrhea, this is a strong possibility and you might want to add our Parasite Therapy Pack to this one.As for the diet, the most common culprits to create mucous are cow’s dairy products, “white” foods like wheat, sugar, milk, cow’s cheese, chicken and artificial sugars. The dietary information included will offer many substitutes and suggestions, while the herbs will help your immune system to cope, relieve the stress on the adrenal glands, and act as an expectorant to clear mucous. Together, these are the tools for relief without any negative side effects.

Sinusitis (Chronic) Therapy Pack for Men

The Male SINUSITIS (CHRONIC) Therapy Pack is a kit prepared to support the body in addressing the possible root cause(s) of chronic sinusitis and relieving its associated symptoms.Our patients typically begin showing results quickly, with progressive improvement over the following several month period. In combination with the included food plan, you'll enjoy improved overall health.If you are currently overweight, the food and exercise plan should also result in some weight loss with a resulting increase in energy.This THERAPY PACK includes:* Three exclusive Eve's Herbs proprietary blend herbal formulas specifically prepared to support the body in relief of chronic sinusitis.---- Eve's Herbs Formulas: Bactotox, Herba Pneu and Blend S* Included FREE, Dr. Eve Campanelli's book, "Feeling Very Much Better" with short, concise and easy to read and use chapters which contain all the food and exercise recommendations, including foods to buy and foods to avoid (see Ch. 4 on The Respiratory System) - PLUS a chapter with healthy recipes, all to reinforce the effectiveness of the herbal formulas.* An instruction sheet on how to use your Therapy Pack most effectively.* A complimentary Eve's Herbs catalog with all of our formulas and their descriptions on how they may benefit you in dealing with a variety of health issues.

Sinusitis (Chronic) Therapy Pack for Women

The Female SINUSITIS (CHRONIC) Therapy Pack is a kit prepared to support the body in addressing the possible root cause(s) of chronic sinusitis and relieving its associated symptoms.Our patients typically begin showing results quickly, with progressive improvement over the following several month period. In combination with the included food plan, you'll enjoy improved overall health.If you are currently overweight, the food and exercise plan should also result in some weight loss with a resulting increase in energy.This THERAPY PACK includes:* Three exclusive Eve's Herbs proprietary blend herbal formulas specifically prepared to support the body in relief of chronic sinusitis.---- Eve's Herbs Formulas: Bactotox, Herba Pneu and Blend E:V* Included FREE, Dr. Eve Campanelli's book, "Feeling Very Much Better" with short, concise and easy to read and use chapters which contain all the food and exercise recommendations, including foods to buy and foods to avoid (see Ch. 4 on The Respiratory System) - PLUS a chapter with healthy recipes, all to reinforce the effectiveness of the herbal formulas.* An instruction sheet on how to use your Therapy Pack most effectively.* A complimentary Eve's Herbs catalog with all of our formulas and their descriptions on how they may benefit you in dealing with a variety of health issues.