Pneu, Herba (Temporarily substitute Lung & Bronchial: Call 541-482-2112 or 310-855-1111 to order)

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Our very popular herbal vitamin C and expectorant now has Boswellia Serrata added, which is a great anti-asthmatic, eliminating the need for the discontinued formula, Nu-Breath. It loosens stuffy colds and coughs and works extremely well with the BACTOTOX formula in the prevention or shortening of colds and flu. It helps to clear clogged sinuses due to its cleansing action upon the mucus membranes. It helps both the respiratory system and the kidneys.

Each capsule contains: Juniper Berries, Prickly Ash Bark, Cubeb Berries, Boswellia Serrata, Lemon Grass, Vervain and Lobelia.

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