A vacation travel pack to ward off parasites and the typical "Turistas" from foreign foods (international AND domestic!!), as well as to control allergies.

Herbal formulas: Bactotox, BWC 4oz. and Gentian Root

Homeopathic: Aller-Total

NOTE: The BWC herbal and Aller-Total homeopathic formulas contain alcohol as a preservative.

The information and recommendations on this website are general and appropriate in most cases, but are not specific to individuals and their particular circumstances. Neither the author nor any individual involved with the publication of this website can be held responsible for claims arising from the website user's mistaken identity of any herbs, herbal remedies or homeopathic remedies obtained elsewhere other than this website, or from the inappropriate use of any herbal remedy or healing regimen. Do not attempt any self-diagnosis or self-treatment for serious or long-term ailments without consulting a qualified health care practitioner. If a prescribed course of medical treatment is currently being undertaken, do not attempt any self-treatment without first procuring professional advice. Even with mild conditions, always obtain medical advice when symptoms persist.
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