Tate : I
Is anti-inflammatory, emollient, tonic, nutritive and
immune system strengthening. It is high in a nonirritating
vitamin C and other essential nutrients to
support the prostate. We use is primarily for the
initial enlarged, inflamed, and/or painful
prostate that causes frequent urination.
Each capsule contains: Wild Red Peppers, Damiana Leaves, Goldenseal Root, Garlic, Turmeric, Echinacea Augustifolia Root, Saw Palmetto Berries.
Is anti-inflammatory, emollient, tonic, nutritive and
immune system strengthening. It is high in a nonirritating
vitamin C and other essential nutrients to
support the prostate. We use is primarily for the
initial enlarged, inflamed, and/or painful
prostate that causes frequent urination.
Each capsule contains: Wild Red Peppers, Damiana Leaves, Goldenseal Root, Garlic, Turmeric, Echinacea Augustifolia Root, Saw Palmetto Berries.
Is anti-inflammatory, emollient, tonic, nutritive and
immune system strengthening. It is high in a nonirritating
vitamin C and other essential nutrients to
support the prostate. We use is primarily for the
initial enlarged, inflamed, and/or painful
prostate that causes frequent urination.
Each capsule contains: Wild Red Peppers, Damiana Leaves, Goldenseal Root, Garlic, Turmeric, Echinacea Augustifolia Root, Saw Palmetto Berries.